The elaborate front entryway contains within its many baroque details a number of Christian symbols. Look carefully starting at the base of the columns and work upward as you find the following symbols:
- Bead & Reel: Cycles of Life
- Bronze Mirror: Truth
- Chi Rho: Earliest known symbol of Christ
- Cross & Crown: Reward after Death
- Cross of Constantine: Surrounded by the Stone Lace of Mystery and the Acanthus Leaves of Truth
- Dove: Holy Spirit. When used with urn it means Baptism of the Holy Spirit
- Egg: Creation or beginning of life
- Flowers in Festoons: Rose for Love; Lily for Purity; Passion Flower for Sacrifice
- Harp: Harmony in the Kingdom of Heaven
- Interlocking Circles: Continuity of Life
- Olive Leaf Wreath: Peace & Fellowship
- Scallop Shell: Early symbol for travelers
- St. Andrew’s Cross: Andrew asked to be crucified on a tilted cross
- Torch: Christian Witness
- Twisting Columns: Moving Ever Upward
- Urn: Repentance & Water Baptism
(all photos courtesy of Paul Gray)